
It's a Brand New Year!

Sunday, January 09, 2011 ♥ 1/09/2011 11:49:00 PM

It's a brand new year. I guess you must have set your new year resolutions, right? I have not done that. Haha, more to like I will not do that as most of the time, I am unable to meet them.

Anyway, Quarter 4/ year end close has ended. For me, it's a success as it's much easier than the previous one. My manager & team lead are proud of us. Guess what? I'm proud of them too. It's so hectic at work due to the confirmations through emails. Intercompany balances are zero for ASA, with very minimal differences due to system error. Our stress is replaced by joy when my manager's, baby girl decides to give him a surprise! She greets the world bout 2 weeks earlier than expected. A really 'cute' gift to all of us.

The new year has just started & I'm hoping good things will start to flow into my life once again. At least, the message one of my darling friends give me make me laugh the whole night! What can I say? Some people seriously do not have a life! Good for me though as I previously mention that the more people are jealous of me, the happier I am as it must be I'm leading a good life. Muahaha.... *coughs coughs*

Good luck in everything you do, people!

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♥ kyliemc ♥

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